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Puritan girls have the power
Tituba was a woman and black slave, which puts her in a very vulnerable situation in a patriarchal and prejudiced society like the Puritans. The girls with whom she befriended, although they are devalued by society because they are women, are white and free girls who exercise a strong power over Tituba, who must be submissive and devalued in relation to girls. This shows that in this group of friends, the girls were the characters with power, being free to treat Tituba as they wished.
Can you explain a little more?
1 - playing should be play
2 - no would, it should be if you worked harder...
3 - I was at dinner
4 - the world would be a happier
5 - and I DON'T EITHER
6 - isnt' should was not
The answer is C, because it informs that since people are sharing information very quickly through the internet, it is <em>also bringing young people closer</em><em> </em><em>together than ever before</em>. In A we read that they are bringing people closer together, but the teenagers are <em>only included</em>. In B it is just mentioned that the tenagers are <em>generally brought together</em>.