Further fighting erupted over the canal, now between Britain and the newly alligned Germany and Turkey; however, the attempts at seizure were not successful. Soon after, France divided up a large portion of the Ottoman empire with Britain after the fall of Turkey in 1918. The two rivals were still neck and neck in competition.
The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961
The boat is traveling upstream
America cannot have a completely open border, for then there will be no "United States of America". A nation is defined by it's borders, and for it to be a sovereign nation, there must be a border, as well as guards to the border. In the case of opening the borders, you are essentially not only taking away the sovereignty of the nation, but also taking away from the very definition of a nation, "a large body of people united by common..., inhabiting a particular
land". Without a border, without protection, without those who want to continue to help the US grow as a nation, America will not survive. In fact, no country will survive, as their benevolence will lead to structural & internal collapse.
Because he wanted to increase the wealth of Persia & because he wanted glory & revenge