Proper nouns are nouns that name specific people, places, things, or ideas. Think of proper as meaning specific.
America, English, Paris
Notice that proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
Proper adjectives are adjectives that are formed from proper nouns. Most of them identify people, places, languages, or groups.
American cars, English grammar, Parisian scarf
Notice that these adjectives are still performing the job of an adjective: They are all describing nouns. Also, notice that they all begin with a capital letter.
The correct answer is D.
A is very informal due to the use of slang such as ''ain't''.
B has an informal tone and language due to the usage of 'you guys' to address other people.
C is very informal due to the use of shortened street slang ''Y'all'' commonly used in informal set-ups for example among friends.
Identify important txt details + connect to what you already know = make an inference
Past Simple: Brought
Past Participle: Brought
3rd Person Singular: Brings
Present Participle/Gerund: Bringing
c. costs costing a lot nowadays