Internal; hard work
Locus of control refers to the degree to which people believe that they have control over their own lives. A locus of control is characterized as internal if the person believes that they can control their own life or external if they believe that life is controlled by outside factors which they cannot influence. In this example, college students with an internal locus of control did better academically, and were also more likely to associate their academic success with hard work.
The Electoral College doesn't treat all Americans equally. It turns presidential elections into massive efforts to win the votes of a small number of voters in a few key states, rather than the support of the American people as a whole.
Insight is associated with increased activity in the right temporal lobes.
When a person uses insight, he or she rearrange problems to make them solvable. Impaired insight on the other hand means that there is no ability to understand the nature of the illnesses or, in some cases, to understand that patients are ill at all.