Fraudulent dual contracting
Both the buyer and the seller are making two non-neutral contracts (which is illegal), that help each other with their needs, the seller, who needed to sell the house as fast as possible, wins a lot more money, and the buyer buys the house for a price way lower than the original price, so he saves a lot of money.
Different tasks,and different events, along with time and resources.
Short term memory test.
It is often referred to as the test of seven plus or minus 2. The test was developed by a psychologist whose name is George Miller. It was developed in 1956. It is currently one of the most often cited studies in this branch of psychology.
If the food item falls under time/temperature control (e.g. protein containing items like meat, fish, sea-food, etc), it should not be refrozen after thawing.
Thawing, or defrosting is best done by leaving it in the fridge, under running water (if sealed in a bag), or direct cooking.