I have never personally pulled a prank, but have read about some on the internet. Also, I have never been pranked, since I don't hang out around that sort of crowd. I think that are many times when pranks can be a problem, especially if they go to far. For this reason, I don't necessarily like pranks. Some pranks are just plain mean. For example, there was one prank on the internet where the prankster gave the other person a burger, then preceded to tell them it was made of horse meat. The person immediately dropped the burger and started a frenzy. This is an example of a prank going too far. Remember that when pulling a prank, both sides must agree. Also, remember that while you might like to use a prank to get revenge on someone you dislike, this is a big mistake. Pranks can be fun if done safely and ethically.
Growing up i have witness alot of pranks and pulled a few on my own that is why i am very fund of pulling pranks. I feel like pranks are a way for people to show off there creativity. For example, my friend ( enter friends name here) pulled a prank on me were she pretended to lose my phone. I was upset at the time until i realized he/she had a weird bulge coming from the side of there arm. My friend decided to hide my phone in the upper part of there shirt sleeve. I was rolling around laughing once i realized my phone was in no way lost. pranks are always funny when there not extreme, try and pull a little prank for yourself. Just remember to make sure if something breaks or really is misplaced, you can re[place that item. Pranks are meant to be funny and harmless. never pull a prank that you would not want someone to pull on you. And if it does happen maybe you should reconsider pulling extravagent pranks, or ask that person in advance if this would upset them and pull the prank on a later date once they have forgotten you asked about it.