ancient greek philosopher plato was a student socrates and a teacher of aristotle
World War 1.
- Women worked in factories, business jobs, rallied support, addressed famine problems, and did more for the war effort after men had to leave their jobs for war. Since their posts became empty- but still needed filling- women worked instead. They didn't just work, they worked diligently and with skill. They built aircrafts, sewed uniforms, and did much more than anyone ever expected. President Wilson said "the services of women during this supreme crisis of the world's history have been of the most signal usefulness and distinction. The war could not have been fought without them or its sacrifices endured. It is high time that some part of our debt of gratitude to them should be acknowledged and paid, and the only acknowledgment they ask is their admission to the suffrage.
The factor that effects the maximum range is Altitude
Machines came into use, people were paid less, they were forced to work long hours, etc.
I remember learning about this a while ago, it was a horrible time to live in
A) Buddhism
e) Hinduism
I believe those are the answers