The continent that has the largest population in the present will continue to be on the first place in the year of 2050 as well. That continent is Asia. By 2050, Asia is expected to have around 54% of the global population, thus over half of it. It has to be noticed though that the percentage in the global population of Asia is actually projected to decrease from the current 60%. Despite the decrease of those 6% in the total global population, Asia still remains far ahead of any other continent in 2050, and will for be for the foreseeable future.
These modest taxes were levied against land, homes and other real estate, slaves, animals, personal items and monetary wealth.
<u>Marbury VS Madison</u>
John Marshall, in his decision, is in charge of pacifying the issue. Marshall argues, in short, that, in the hierarchy of laws, the US Constitution rules and the courts, as well as the other departments, are bound by it. Thus any law contrary to the Constitution should be declared void.
Thus, Marshall incidentally (incidentally) decides the unconstitutionality of Section 13 of the Judiciary Act, to the extent that it contravenes the precepts of the American Constitution. The unconstitutionality of a law was declared without the analysis of the merit itself. Note that Marshall, in making such a decision not on the merits, does not, in theory, give a favorable understanding to either of the poles, so as not to generate for him political conflicts with both parties.
The Whiskey Rebellion</u>
It was a "tax protest" in the United States, beginning in 1791 and culminating in an insurrection in 1794. The rebellion took place primarily in Washington, Pennsylvania, in the Monongahela Valley during the presidency of George Washington under the command of the American revolutionary war veteran Major James McFarlane.
It is diverse with a lot of different ethnic back grounds and has al ot more than one race and traditions anyway there are a lot of different races and cultures