When we talk about the Northern Renaissance, what we actually mean is "Renaissance happenings that occurred within Europe, but outside of Italy." Because the most innovative art was created in France, the Netherlands, and Germany during this time, and because all of these places are north of Italy, the "Northern" tag has stuck.
Geography aside, there were some significant differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance.
vocal fry
The Rattle is produced by vibration of the cuneiforms or mucosa over the cartilages, either freely or against the epiglottis. ...This indicates that the vibrations of the vocal folds are unhindered and unaffected by the distortion and rattle. So the vocal folds are vibrating freely under the distortion and rattle.
What do you call someone wearing a belt with a watch attached to it?
A waist of time.
Did you hear about the guy who broke both his left arm and left leg?
He’s all right now.
Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
Because he had a great fall.
<span>The French term<u> avant-garde</u> is usually reserved for artists or artworks that challenge existing conventions of art. The individual or works have a tendency to be radical, revolutionary, and/or unconventional in regard to art, culture, and society.</span>