Sorry never read the book but I looked this up.
Arguably, Stanhope often proves himself an effective leader throughout Journey's End through his prioritizing of others' needs above his own. Gerald Brooks said that “when you become a leader you give up the right to think about yourself”
Billy Ansel is the only eyewitness to the crash. He pulls over, calls for emergency help and immediately begins pulling children from the icy water. Even after it is confirmed his own children are dead, Billy continues in the recovery efforts, not wanting to go home and face his tragic reality. Billy is no stranger to untimely death, as he lost his wife to cancer four years earlier and is a veteran of the Vietnam War. The death of his children, however, drives him into alcoholism and isolation. His three-year affair with the married Risa Walker ends when the two feel awkward around each other following the deaths of the children. You can also get assisted with it if you turn for the help to the best site. Go to Primewritings if you are interested in the unplagiarized text.
How does exaggeration create irony in this cartoon?
<em>The oversized trophies create irony because readers expect that they are for winning, not participation.</em>
This should be the most logical answer to the question. This is because, the man never imagined that the trophies which he saw was for the friend's son participating rather than winning.
Because people are dying or getting ill. And you wouldn't like you or your friends getting hurt so don't hurt others. Save yourself and others.