C. the Human Rights Act of 1998 to protect the rights of Germans when they travel
Germany is one of the most developed nations in the world. The country has strong economy, powerful passport, has a good reputation, and big political and diplomatic power. The country also takes care of its citizens that travel abroad, and it will do its best to guarantee their safety and rights if they are endangered. The manner in which the country will act in a scenario will its citizens have their rights violated is the diplomatic manner, thus using their political power to negotiate in their favor, with the Human Rights Act as its basis for negotiations.
1. Identify ONE historical process in South or Southeast Asia that accounts for the religion of Srivijaya merchants in Quanzhou as reported in the passage.
The "Srivijaya" was an empire which originated in Palembang, Indonesia in the 7th century. Besides focusing on international sea trade, it was also keen on its religion, the Mahayana Buddhism. It was also having an active trading relationship with the Islamic Caliphate located in the Middle East. Trading with different people influenced the empire into incorporating some of the learned practices and traditions. This is the reason why, as stated in the passage, Muslims also make up the religion of Srivijaya merchants in Quanzhou.
ang pangamba yaggsgsyysys
Yes, with the ruling of the city states religion was heavily involved and had a big effect on political influences