Payday loans are akin to loan sharks. They are a cash type of subprime loans.
High interest rates for a demographic that generally pays high interest because of credit ratings, lack of job security, i.e. longevity, and lack of savings. They serve the purpose of getting short term cash loans.
It’s difficult because since it was so long ago in history, Things are often to lose its texture and result in being somewhat mixed in with the environment around the site causing it to become harder to find by professionals who dedicate their life to finding that sorta stuff. Hopefully I helped
- I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt not have strange Gods before me
- Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
- Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
- Honour thy father and thy mother
- Thou shalt not kill
- Thou shalt not commit adultery
- Thou shalt not steal
- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods
It depends on the specific religion, but this is for christianity. Hope this helps!
The right answer is D.
The Vietnam War occupies a special place in the history of armed conflicts joined by the United States. It was the first war broadcast live on American TV, images were uncensored, and this fact strengthened opposition to the war. The conflict became protracted , US casualties mounted, and to millions of citizens, the purpose of the war was not clear beyond the fact that American troops were fighting against Communists. After the Paris Peace Agreements, the US withdrew most of its forces in 1973. Two years later, Saigon - the capital of US ally Republic of South Vietnam - fell to the Communists from North Vietnam. The ghost of Vietnam has hunted down the USA since then and there has been a controversy about military involvement in conflicts, the public is very sensitive about the loss of American lives.