President Calvin Coolidge
The State of Union address was first broadcast on the radio in 1923 when President Calvin Coolidge made his annual speech.
A. The separation of powers
The Spirit of the Laws was the book that described a version of Roman government that used the separation of government's power into independent branches as a main principle.
The U.S intervention in the boxer rebellion was a problem for three main reasons:
- Americans in China were taking advantage of China's culture and resources.
- The Chinese people lost independence since Americans wanted to show other nations that they were superior to China by introducing them to other traditions, religion and products that changed their own.
- During the rebellion, there was a great number of Americans in the country.
Apartheid was a system of institutionalised racial segregation that existed in South Africa and South West Africa (Namibia) from 1948 until the early 1990s. Apartheid was characterised by an authoritarian political culture based on baasskap (or white supremacy), which encouraged state repression of Black African, Coloured, and Asian South Africans for the benefit of the nation's minority white population. The economic legacy and social effects of apartheid continue to the present day.
Between 1987 and 1993, the National Party entered into bilateral negotiations with the African National Congress, the leading anti-apartheid political movement, for ending segregation and introducing majority rule. In 1990, prominent ANC figures such as Nelson Mandela were released from prison. Apartheid legislation was repealed on 17 June 1991, pending fully democratic, multiracial elections set for April 1994...