Mecca, or Makkah, is Islam's holiest city. Located in Saudi Arabia, it is the birthplace of Muhammad and the religion itself. Millions of people travel there every year for the annual Hajj.
From my previously gained knowledge from my Japanese classes, the answer would be D. Because Japan didn't really that much of a population boom until the 20th century because they whole island was not yet inhabited. They didn't really feel like spreading Buddhism because it didn't become a popular religion until the 20th century, and the US had nothing to do with Japans wanting of more land. They gained land mainly from China, so the long-standing rivalry between China and Japan would be the best answer.
Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders. ... From then on, no Roman emperor would ever again rule from a post in Italy, leading many to cite 476 as the year the Western Empire suffered its deathblow.
In 1479, at the end of the Castilian War of Succession, which involved Portugal against the Catholic Monarchs, the Treaty of Alcáçovas was signed and a period of rapproachement between Spain and Portugal began. The text also settled several pending territorial issues between the two Crowns: the Canary Islands belonged by right to Castile; the Kingdom of Fez, the Azores and Madeira islands, Cape Verde, Guinea and the right of navegation beyond the Canaries, were recognized to Portugal.
For that reason, when being the Portuguese territories to the east of the Spanish ones, their explorations continued in that direction. This is how, bordering the African continent, the Portuguese explorers reached the Indian Ocean, where they formed colonies dedicated to expand their trade.
Portugal created small commercial bases in several points of Africa and the Indian Ocean, obtaining presence in the most important commercial routes of that tim, and began to charge those who passed through its colonies.
Portugal lost its power when, in 1581 in the middle of a dynasty crisis, the Spanish Crown came to the Portuguese throne. However, in 1668 Portuguese sovereignity over its territory was restored.
Portugal continued administrating colonies until 1970.
More than half of the immigrants entering the united states were from eastern and southern Europe.<span />