The owner of burrito belle
30. the fee for Paul is 60.
Summary of Deep Survival: In extraordinary circumstances, like accidents or catastrophes, some people survive and others die, such that sometimes things lead you to believe that the first ones die and the second ones survive; this book explains, using numerous stories of accidents and catastrophes, and by exploring the latest scientific theories – from neuroscience to the theory of chaos – what makes one person die and another survive.
the correct option is B and C
The correct answer is My brother loves to cook, but he especially loves to barbecue.
The sentence "My brother loves to cook, he especially loves to barbecue" is a run-on sentence because each of the sections in the sentence is a complete sentence, and complete/independent sentences cannot be connected using a comma. Instead, a semicolon should be used (;) or a conjunction such as and, but, or can be added after the comma. This second method of correction occurs in the sentence "My brother loves to cook, but he especially loves to barbecue".