Who:Who are you?
What:What is an earthquake?
Which:Which side won?
That:He spoke so well that everybody was pleased.
Whom:She saw a lady whom she presumed worked at the store, and she asked her a question.
Whomever:Harry should give the award to whomever he thinks deserves it.
Whoever:Whoever he was, he was as strong as a lion.
It helps you focus your research so that you stay interested in it and find sources more easily
I don’t really know, it means all types: Be there soon
Plastics waste is terribly unhealthy for our planet, by harming our wildlife and even ourselves.
For example, when plastic is tossed into the ocean it not only harms the oceanlife, but it harms us. The plastic breaks into microplastics and go into the fish, so when we eat the fish it could go into our system if that fish had eaten any plastic.
Plastic can survive for years in it's process of breaking down.
Sorry that's all I got, I lost enthusiasm and also didn't exactly know what format.