The invention of the steam engine impacted industry in a variety of ways, not the least of which involved the European exploration and colonization of the African continent. Transportation, in general, was improved, proving profitable to businesses which could now transport products easier and faster. Another change of importance involves the location needed for factories, which no longer needed close proximity to rivers for energy.
The sinking of the U-boat by the Germans, the U-boat had about 100 Americans in it and they were killed.
Map-makers dresses two sets of imaginary lines on maps and globes to locate places on the Earth. One set of lines running from East to west is is called lines of latitude. One line is exactly halfway between the north and the south poles. It is called the equator and Is numbered 0 degrees latitude. The other lines (parallels) measure distance north and south of the equator. Each degree of latitude is equal to about 70 miles (112 kilometers) on Earth.
The other set of imaginary lines is called lines of longitude (meridians). These lines run from the North Pole to the South Pole. The starting place for measuring longitude 0 degrees is called the prime meridian. Distances are measured in degrees East or west up to 180 degrees.
The establishment of Israel affected the Middle East by causing unrest and tension among the surrounding territories. It led to many wars.