El machismo en Puerto Eico es responsable de que los hombres sean violentos yo creo que no por que pues los valores son del hombre puedes estar en cualquier lugar y si el vato es una basura no ahí acomodación
John adams
He was elected after they denied George washington a 3rd term as president
i need to type more but i have no idea what to type so here it is
While there are many different sound devices that can be used in poetry, such as near rhyme (sounds are similar but not exact), alliteration (same beginning sounds), this one is onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is using words to suggest a sound. This can also be words like whispering, sizzle, thump, clang, etc. Using onomatopoeia allows you to imagine what it would sound like if you were present (this is part of imagery).
I think the job is 1/5 miles so you have to write it in the numerator and the other variables (speed in this case) to the denominator and then the answer should be 13