The North got along with life by building factories to process items, they had no need for slave usage. In the south everything earned came from hard labor. Southerners wanted slaves and northerners thought otherwise. Many Northerners as well believed that if they freed the africans and helped them gain human rights that they can help them by voting for northern electorals
To look at it purely from ideological view, communism is the total opposite of capitalism. They thought that communism was an extremely dangerous ideology.
They were accused of witchcraft. Many people back in those days feared it. However, anyone could accuse someone of witchcraft in those days without evidence. Some were accused because others had a grudge against them. Some people thought that because some of the women were convulsing or acting out of the ordinary that they must have been involved in witchcraft. Punishment was carried out to discourage others from getting involved in the wicked religion so to speak.
Ummmm....what's this for???