the amount of goods and services manufactured each year
The Gross National Product represents the total amount of manufactured goods and services that a particular nation has produced in a given time period, usually a year. This economic measurement is one of the most important indicators of how strong an economy is, and also how the economy is developing. The Gross National Product is very high among the developed nations, but there's also developing nations that have much higher GNP than big portion of the developed nations, such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia.
Washington only had four department, today there are 15 departments. In Washington's time the Cabinet met regularly and had the president's full attention and interest. Today the meetings are less regular and often the President relies much more in the advice of the EOP and strategic advisors.
Answer: That night, British forces set fire to multiple government and military buildings, including the White House (then called the Presidential Mansion), the Capitol building, as well as other facilities of the U.S. government.
Burning of Washington.
hope this helps guys;)