Health Belief Model
The Health Belief Model posits that the perceived threat of a disease and the belief in the efficacy of a health plan will motivate a person to adopt a behavior or action. For this model to be truly applicable, there would be a
- Perceived susceptibility: This means that the person believes that he or she stands the risk of having the disease.
- Perceived benefits: If a certain cause of action seems effective, the individual is likely to adopt it since it is beneficial.
- Cue to action: These are indicators that move a person to change. Some of them include; the sickness of an acquaintance, a health awareness program, or even a symptom like pain.
But one thing to keep in mind when a women is pulled over buy a male police officer they have to call for a women police officer to search her, it is against the law for a male cop to search a female
The technique is called Psychological Audience Analysis.
Psychological Audience Analysis is used to know what the audience's may be feeling and thinking before and during your presentation/communication.
I also involves knowing what your audience know or do not know, so that you might elaborate some things in detail, shortly, or no explanation at all.
The information needed during this technique could be knowing their social, religious, ethnic, and academic background. Knowing their primary purpose of listening to you would also be helpful. You might also need to know if someone from the audience knows about that topic more than you. In such case, you would need to prepare you topic well, and acknowledge his/her knowledge during the communication if such situation arises.
<span>Social Perception is the study</span> how we form impressions and make inferences about other people.