<span>Most original Native American governments lend support to the "Evolution" theory of the origin of government. All Native American 'Governments' were Socialist Republics</span>
Pasteurization is a process where certain packaged or non-packaged food such as milk or fruit are treated with mild heat. The goal of this process is to eliminate pathogens ( infectious agent or germ) and to extend the product's shelf life.
The inventor of pasteurization was the French scientist<em> Luis Pasteur</em>. In his research he demonstrated that thermal treatment would inactivate unwanted microorganisms in wine.
Vaccination is the application of antigenic material (vaccine) to stimulate the body's immune system and to develop an immunity to a pathogen (germ).
Smallpox was the first ever disease for which a vaccine was developed. It was invented in 1976 by the English physician<em> Edward Jenner.</em> Jenner was the first person to publish evidence that the vaccine was effective. The name vaccination derives from Latin<em> vacca </em>(cow), because it was derived from a virus affecting cows.
The iron and textile industries played just 2 roles in the Industrial Revolution, textile were originally made by hand in peoples homes when the textiles industry evolved into factory work that became increasingly uniform. When the iron industry took hold a cheaper, easier method to produce cast iron was found. Both iron and steel became essential materials, used to make appliances, tools, ships, buildings.