The expert testimony of forensic scientists are convincing because they use state of the art and cutting edge methods to determine different factors which is their job. They are able to tell, based on a fingerprint, to whom this fingerprint belonged, given that these people have the fingerprints in the first place in a database.
Printing press
The printing press was allowed for quicker production of text, as well as having the ability to duplicate in the thousands. A single pamphlet would be carried from one town to another, where it could duplicate even more.
Voltaire often presented his most "dangerous" ideas by pretending he was writing about someone else.
Multiple Different Steps To Be Taken(Not Answer)
First wanted to say politics/wanting to know about politics is not one of my strong points by any means but that does not mean I don't pa attention when am present and the subject has been brought to the attention of others around me!
The Legislative Process is described simply by following multiple steps in order to get a bill passed through the congress! As most everyone knows in order to get a bill passed it must go through multiple different steps/individuals in order to do so, it's not what we would like to be considered an easy process by any means, no its actually quit the opposite!
First: In order to get the bill up and going if there is a chance it will be passed/ if at all is you must keep in mind that first a Representative sponsors the bill.
Second: the bill in hand is then assigned to a committee in order to be examined/studied!
Third: If the bill is chosen to be released by the committee, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated or amended.
Fourth: If bill is passed by simple majority the bill moves to the Senate.
Fifth: Once the Senate gets a a hold of the bill the bill is then assigned to another committee and if released debated and voted on.
Sixth: If the Senate chooses to make additional changes the bull must return to the House of concurrence.
Seventh: After additional changes or any changes for that matter have been made, the resulting bill then returns to the House and Senate for a final approval.
Eighth: Finally once bill is returned back to the House and Senate has had their chance to either approve or disapprove of it, the President then has 10 days to either veto the final bill or choose to sign it into law!