Option A, The Bonus Army was attacked with tear gas.
The US Army, commanded by MacArthur, Patton, and Eisenhower, targeted WWI soldiers on July 28, 1932, with tanks, bayonets, and tear gas. The service members of World War I belonged to a bonus army that came to Washington. To order the wartime rewards offered.
The Army was then instructed by president Herbert Hoover to the body block of marchers. General Douglas MacArthur, Press secretary of the Army, controlled the infantry and troops of six tanks With their spouses and children, the Bonus Army marchers were forced out and their tents and possessions were burned.
Although it was named ' the grave ' bonus, ' the service members were satisfied with the requirement that the bonus could be paid immediately on the soldier's death. Economic relaxation wanted the upfront payment of the bonus.
the beach is a boring, miserable place.
Answer: Here's a part of it however I cant do the whole thing that would be complete your work and this website s for help not to do it.
The Amazon River in South America is the largest river by discharge volume of water in the world, and by most accepted definitions it is the second longest river in the world, after the Nile River. The headwaters of the Apurímac River on Nevado Mismi had been considered for nearly a century as the Amazon's most distant source, until a 2014 study found it to be the headwaters of the Mantaro River on the Cordillera Rumi Cruz in Peru.
The lead? Ok I’ll just guess. The “lead” is the one who takes the photos cause they have to get the right poses from the posers/models and usually know what poses are good for whatever they are using those photos for.
Dear Mum:
I am writing you from my hostel in Berlín. I need you to do me a favor, because it is my bestfriend's birthday I would like you to send him my gifts. It's not just one present, but three important things that mean a lot to him. These things include: a glass of wine, a bottle of wine (then I'll send you another letter telling you which special wine is) and a homemade chocolate bar.
This is an special favor for me because as I told you, is John's birthday and he is a big fan of wine and the combination with chocolates. I just want you to buy these presents and send them next saturday. It is very important for me, this birthday I am far away and I want to be there at least with this little present.
Thank you so much mum!!