less dense than the solid inner planets.
A planet can be defined as a large celestial body having sufficient mass to allow for self-gravity and make it assume a nearly circular shape (hydrostatic equilibrium), revolves in an orbit around the Sun in the solar system and has a cleared neighborhood.
Basically, the planets are divided into two (2) main categories and these includes;
I. Outer planets: these planets are beyond the asteroid belt and comprises of jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune, from left to right of the solar system.
II. Inner planets: these planets are the closest to the sun and comprises of mercury, venus, earth and mars.
The outer planets are made mostly of gas (hydrogen and helium) which makes them less dense than the solid inner planets. These gases are generally known to be less dense in terms of physical properties.
The answer is a. //too short
The end of the book is the best
Always partially agree in geography to give more info (bad and good point)
I parttly agree with this media has a large impact on American culture today, from posting Starbucks selfies to LGBTQ+ awarness and the 'America dream'.
Through social media America is presented as a cultured varied open opinioned county what shows they culture of family love and 'the dream' but social media can also be fake and make people believe just because that one person said something we all believe in that.
An example Donald trump "we will make America great again". This quote make people believe that all Americans are self-absorbed and possibly only care for there own country but we don't.
Though television American are mocked for there bias opinions and veiw points.
Overall I do think the cons do overnight the pros but social media is such a large platform its the easiest way to get information out to a large ammout of attended veiwers.