Go with A, paragraph one.
Answer: a sense of oppression and domination
The phrase that best describes the connotation of the word “reigns" is a sense of oppression and domination.
Reign means to exercise sovereign power or to be able to exercise authority over someone or a nation. American reigns without a rival implies the domineering power that the country has over others.
the first one
You express your feelings in you thesis
1# In the second paragraph, children put stones in their pockets and make piles of stones in the town square, which seems like children playing around until the stones’ true purpose becomes clear at the end of the story.
2# Irony is the basic theme used in the story. Outside was expressed as "a sunny day", but eventually the housewife came across a horrible death (page 715). Two people running the town, Graves and Summers have ironic names.
#3 The lesson learned is there is a danger of going along with tradition