Romanticism occurs after the bourgeois revolution of 1789, lasts until the mid-19th century, and is a kind of reaction to classicism. This literary direction regards the subject of creativity as one's feelings, emphasizes irrationalism, and seeks out its sources in folk art and the oral creation of one's own people, but also of foreign, often exotic peoples, and in distant historical periods.
Firstly, what salutary neglect means is a kind of policy that existed during the <span>early to mid-18th century under the British government for its North American Colonies. The purpose of this policy is to loosen the enforcement of parliament laws in order for their colonies to remain loyal. Therefore, from the given statements above, the effects of this salutary neglect include: </span>The colonists felt more loyalty and gratitude toward Britain. And, t<span>he colonists developed some independence from Britain.</span>
Thinking it's end of salutatory neglect, Britain left colonies alone, but then out of nowhere the Frenc h- indian war they started to pay attention to them
Soon after the death of Oliver Cromwell, Parliament made his son, Richard, the "Lord Protector," although he was unable to continue the policies of his father and failed as a leader.