<span>The correct answer is Atherosclerosis. What this disease does is create layers of white blood calls and fibrofatty tissue to make the arteries thicken. This also includes things like triglycerides and cholesterol. This increases blood pressure and can sometimes be deadly for people, but it is usually noticed way after it establishes itself.</span>
This TSI is a bacterial infection that affects mucous membranes.
Balanced diet with enough nutrients and exercise.
In order to manage our weight, we would have to combine a diet and exercise. Also, it's very important how much calories we take, how much time we sleep, and what time we eat our meals.
Healthy and balanced diet does almost 70 % of the work when it comes to both losing and maintaining wanted weight, the 30% is the workout.
Fats, carbs and proteins are main helpers when it comes to providing our body with enough energy.
If we want to reduce the excess of the fats in our body, we would have to adapt both our diet and exercise so they can help us reach the goal we're looking for.
Calorie intake should be lowered for at least 25 % and we should stick to the golden rule of 10,000 steps a day, which will give us great results.
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