The older you get the more your brain will develop... Right, but, when your body hits a certiant age that all goes in reverse. This may not be as bad if you live a healthy lifestyle because then your body is ready and open for when that age comes so that memory loss is slower. but if you are not active at all you will cause heart problems, tourmers, etc. witch can develop memory loss faster
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Sorry about spelling I know it sucks!!
Have a great day I'm always glad to help
1000 calories, as 1 calorie is the energy needed to raise 1g of water by 1 degree at normal atmospheric pressure.
B. his first name or nickname and his favorite music.
The only information that Ollie should give to an estranger is his name or nickname and his favorite music. He should not provide information about his location or where people can find him. That is why he should not say his school, city, or age since this can make him a target.