This is the english section,you are looking for the mathematical section
Short Answer: A
A really super writer could get away with putting the thesis statement in the conclusion of a paragraph piece. But present day English Departments have become very rigid about where the thesis is.
It is always in the introduction. The idea is that you have to guide your reader to the arguments that follow in the paragraphs to come between the introduction and the conclusion.
In Carlos Solórzano's 'Crossroads: A Sad Vaudeville', the woman is
scared to lift her veil because she has tricked a man into believing
that it is a far younger version of herself who he is coming to meet.
When she eventually lifts her veil, the man refuses to believe it could
be the same woman.
The part of the explore phase that accomplish it is this "On the other hand, if you get into the space you're currently looking at, the amenities included in that space will help you attract new talent".
In that sentence, we get the image about something that could be done, could be reached and it's finished. It gives the hope about attracting a new talent, about accomplishing something important. The rest of the sentences of the paragraph don't do the same, they have actually some negative aspects.