Information technology is inescapable in modern day life, turn on the coffee pot and there are tiny microprocessor inside. Start your automobile and every aspect of operation is controlled by dozens of computer control modules. The current mobile phone amazing power and speed for the user. Technology is transforming every aspect of our life. Nowever is this more apparent than our place of employment. Developing of it makes our family to live happy because it helps the members of family to spend their most time with their family. It helps us to communicate the family member who live far from their family. It is also used in house hold work. It's saves our time to do more better and better
When you print handouts, the presentation is printed with one or more slides on each piece of paper. When you print handouts, it's best to have the presentation printed on them for those who can not view the presentation clearly to follow along with. This also serves as a great tool for people who missed the presentation to receive a handout later or for those there to take home and review.
All of the above. If that’s not an option if it’s multiple choice let me know. Everyone uses web browser/the internet no matter the career.
The stick exerts a force on the puck; the puck exerts a force on the stick.
6 2 and 0
This algorithm doesn't work if the list is not ordered ascending.
In this example it is not, and indeed the item "1" is never found.
first cycle: first=0, last=12 so midpoint=6
second cycle: first=0, last=5 so midpoint=2
last cycle: first=0, last=1 so midpoint=0
then last is assigned -1 so the while statement is no longer true.