<span>Decimals that have the same value are equivalent decimals. Equivalent decimals are decimal numbers that have the same value (the same amount). In other words equivalent decimal numbers have the same value but different number of decimals. For example:
0.5 and 0.50 are equivalent decimals.
0.5 and 0.500
0.05 and 0.0500
Just use long subtraction by expanding the decimal places of the whole number. This is done by adding a point, and enough zeros to it to match the number of decimal digits in the other number (digits after the decimal point).
i.e: 5 - 2.48374827, 2.48374827 has 8 decimal digits, so add 8 zeros after the point.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 + 3 = <u>1</u>0, 7 + 2 + <u>1</u> = <u>1</u>0, 8 + 1 + <u>1</u>= <u>1</u>0, 5 + 4 + <u>1</u> = <u>1</u>0, 2 + 7 + <u>1</u> = <u>1</u>0, 3 + 6 + <u>1</u> = <u>1</u>0, 1 + 8 + <u>1</u> = <u>1</u>0, 5 + 4 + <u>1</u> = <u>1</u>0, 2 + 2 + <u>1</u> = <u>5</u><u> </u><u>:</u><u> </u>5.00000000
This is basically borrowing a group of 10s which are the same as 1s in the next decimal place up.
For each digit except the first to the right, let 10 subtract that number from it and minus 1 since the 1 is carried over.
I believe it’s 1.5558 x 10 to the 4th power
Rocco mowed 1 lawn a week.
Step-by-step explanation:
If Carly mowed 18 lawns in six weeks that’s 3 lawns a week and 3-2=1.
Thus Rocco mowed 1 lawn a week.

Step-by-step explanation:
<u>Distance between two points</u>

Substituting points into the distance formula and solving for d: