It is to accomplish edification amid a period when it was thought to not be conceivable. The pure land is a custom of Buddhist lessons that are centered around Amitābha Buddha. Pure Land situated practices and ideas are found inside essential Mahāyāna Buddhist cosmology and shape a vital part of the Mahāyāna Buddhist conventions of Tibet, China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan
Estimates show that about 1.2 - 1.4 Million people attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, is a carnival-style celebration with feasting, parades, and masquerade balls. The holiday is of French Catholic origin. The celebration is in honor of the upcoming fasting and Lent season.
d. decrease the amount of time needed to administer the test
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that all of the answers provided are reasons except to decrease the amount of time needed to administer the test. This is because many times the procedures that need to be followed end up adding extra time to the administration and scoring of the test that is being given. Instead these procedures are created to make the test reliable, comprehensive, and analytical.
The two scholars contended that human behavior is not consistent as laymen and professional psychologists views it. They argued that research shows that behavior is not consistent. This inconsistency according to them is consistent and therefore can be used to predict human behavior.