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La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta es la siguiente.
El propósito de los aranceles consiste en:
"proteger los sectores productivos nacionales contra la competencia de productos producidos a precios inferiores a los internos."
Cuando estamos hablando sobre temas de comercio exterior, los países deciden imponer tarifas especiales o aranceles a los productos del extranjero como una medida para proteger los sectores productivos nacionales contra la competencia de productos producidos a precios inferiores a los internos.
Estos impuestos llamados aranceles buscan que los consumidores del país prefieran comprar productos nacionales en lugar de lo extranjeros. Primero, porque tratan de favorecer a la industria nacional por encima de la industria extranjera. Y luego, con los aranceles, os productos extranjeros se venden a precios más caros, aunque la gente luego los paga porque considera que son de mejor calidad.
Hoy en día, los países han decidido formar bloques comerciales para eliminar esos aranceles y poder exportar/importar libremente. Tal es el caso de la Unión Europea o el TLCAN, el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, firmado por los Estados Unidos, México y Canadá.
For the monthly fee, we first have to subtract the installation fee of 85 from the total cost for two years which is 685. Why? Because an installation fee is a one time thing. You don't install every year. So less the installation fee, our internet service cost for two years is 600. To make things easier, lets get the service costs for one year. Divide 600 by 2 and you will get 300. 300 is the cost of the internet for a whole year. Divide this by 12 (12 months in a year) and you will get 25. The monthly cost is $25.
Correct answer is that The iconoclasts' fear that adoration of icons would lead to idolatry
During the reign of Byzantine ruler Leo III the idolatry was prohibited and people were not allowed to worship icons. This created a large conflict inside of the church, that lasted until the period of Empress Irene that officially reestablished the usage of icons. It was conflict that shook only the church, but the whole country.
Los angeles is more likely to experience a major earthquake.
According to the USGS (United States Geological Survey), there is a 60% chance that an earthquake of a magnitude of at least 6.7 occurs in Los Angeles within the next 30 years.
Plus, the San Andreas fault experiences major earthquakes every 40 - 240 years, and so far we have more than 160 years without one, so the chances are really high, and the catastrophic event is more likely to occur in Los Angeles.