What are the different pools and fluxes of carbon? Why are they important? This page provides a compilation of information and relevant links to help answer some of these questions.
The Carbon Cycle: What is the Carbon Cycle? What is the fast and slow cycle and how are they influenced?
Carbon Measurement Approaches and Accounting Frameworks: Approaches and methods for carbon stock and flow estimations, measurements, and accounting
The North American Carbon Cycle: The latest (2018) assessment and budget
Webinar Series Videos: 'The State of the Carbon Cycle: From Science to Solutions'
The Global Carbon Budget : The Global Carbon Budget as calculated by a global group of scientists
Frequently asked questions and their answers: Answers to commonly asked questions such as the following are listed here: Can you quantify the sources and sinks of the global carbon cycle? How much carbon is stored in the different ecosystems? In terms of mass, how much carbon does 1 part per million by volume of atmospheric CO2 represent? What percentage of the CO2 in the atmosphere has been produced by human beings through the burning of fossil fuels?
Hey there!
Calcium is not considered a
<span>micronutrient, so the answer would be A.
Hope this helps and have a great day! (:
Science is a system of body of knowledge that contains established truths based on observation of facts by empirical means, collection of such data, theorizing on that basis, do experiments on the data, repeat the experiments under different data of similar nature, once confirmed, make it a law.
So you can define science as logical construction of empirical data. The principles involved is the principle of verifiability, confirmability, conformability and falsifiability. Science is always opne and subject to correction by new observations. If there is a dispute between a Law already established and a new observation, the new observation will replace even the law for rejection or modification.
Theology is a study of God, beliefs and the relationship between God, universe, our knowledge and man's link with all these issues. It is a rational way of studying religious ideas. For example, we talk about Christian theology. It is more concerned with our beliefs mostly unquestionable in principle. they are more like axioms. You can say that they are self evident truths which do not require any proof.
Theology can use the principles and methodology of science to establish some of its tenets. But generally, theologians claim that their system falls outside science and it is supra science and science is too little or limited with its rusted tools to examine and verify Theological doctrines.
Science does not need theology nor the other way round, but man needs both. 60% of the total population believe in god and 40% are non-believers in the sense some are irreligious and some are anti-religious and some NOTA category. But all of them, in some sense, get some "religious" anxiety, when during a flight take off, if there is turbulence at the tail end of the flight!