Drama is a plays, made to be performed by a cast on stage.
Drama is written to be performed by actors for an audience.
He was an American realist painter.
nature and humans the answer
You mean <em>"Why do [some] </em><em>people</em><em> cheat in relationships?"</em>
Well an analysis revealed eight key reasons: anger, self-esteem, lack of love, low commitment, need for variety, neglect, sexual desire, and situation or circumstance.
<em>Or the world is and humans are just terrible LoL</em>
1) Italian Futurists were fascinated with politics.
2) Boccioni was interested not in construction of the body but construction of the action of the body.
3) The work of the Futurists was a manifestation of authoritarian politics.
4) Marinetti, the founder of Futurism, hated the past.
5) One of their major themes was movement and speed.
6) White on White was the pinnacle of the suprematist movement.7) Kasimir Malevich’s famous 1915 painting of a square was the color black. Black Square is considered to be the iconic work of Kasimir Malevich.
8) Malevich believed his colored shapes could convey the awe of religious experience.
9) Malevich said that the War was not important in art. Even though the suprematist movement as introduced during the First World War, Makevich thought that war affects people in bad ways while art can affect people only in good ways.
10) Malevich believed that the only thing that mattered was object feeling.