The singular form of les ecoles and des ordinateurs are:
les écoles (plural) - l`école (singular)
des ordinateurs (plural) - un ordinateur (singular)
1. lui (to my sister)
2. leur (to our friend<u>s</u>)
3. leur (to shopkeeper<u>s</u>)
4. -
5. lui (to your mother)
6. -
(Les mots au <u>pluriel</u> ont un <u>s</u>)
à + mot(s) au pluriel = leur
à + mot(s) au singulier = lui
Je donne un bisou à ma mère. (<em>I give a kiss to my mother)</em>
I have only one mother<em> (maybe not, in 2020 we dont know)</em> so it's singulier, so lui :
Je lui donne un bisou (<em>I give a kiss to her</em>)
Have à good day !
1. Papa va vider le lave-vaisselle
2. Diallo et moi, nous allons nettoyer la table
3. Maman va faire la cuisine
4. Je vais débarrasser la table
5. Diallo va faire son lit
6. Papa, est-ce que tu vas faire la lessive?
1. Dad is going to empty the dish-washer
2. Diallo and I are going to clean the table
3. Mom is going to do the cooking
4. I am going to clear the table
5. Diallo is going to make his bed
6. Dad, are you going to do the laundry?