I think its c the name under which the website domain is registered.
Although freedom of expression must be maintained and respected, a system must have some kind of control when there is a large number of young people involved. This requires that a system has rules, so that young people understand that freedom of expression should be used for good and progress, avoiding confusing freedoms with disrespect and offense.
She is the correct answer.
Renaissance is mostly a cultural movement, while reformation is a movement inside the Catholic church.
- The Reformation was the name for religious movements against the papacy and the Catholic Church in the 16th century. From these movements new religious communities emerged, independent of the papacy.
- The most important initiators of the Reformation were Martin Luther in Germany, Zwingli and Calvin in Switzerland.
- Supporters of the Reformation separated from the Catholic Church, proclaimed Scripture as the sole source of faith and spread their teaching in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England and the Scandinavian countries.
- The Renaissance marks the period when art, culture and intellectual endeavors turned to the classical art and teachings of Greece and Rome.
- The past so revived, in which Renaissance artists and scholars found inspiration to develop and explore new ideas and practices, influenced all arts and sciences.
I will take part in the science fair.
I am getting carry out from the Chinese Restaurant.
Can you look after my puppy?
I live for this dress.
I can’t protect you from that bee.