As the the shock waves move away from epicenter, they cover an enlarging circle of area, with the result that the same energy is distributed over a larger area, resulting in lower energy per unit area.
The river north of the Colorado river is the Green River
And if u want to look for yourself just look at a map.
According to French sociologist Emile Durkheim the word anomie was described as derangement.
When society undergoes rapid change in terms standards or values of societies this causes an alienation among people. People feel purposeless and cannot meet the required standards set by society. The feelings of purposelessness and not belonging to any group leads to the increase in anomie.
Art has the power to inspire ideas and thoughts which relate to everyday life, through viewing art and considering what the implications of the ideas it explores have on us. Social, cultural and political ideas which an artwork evokes, can help cultures to become more aware of and informed of current issues.