I'm pretty sure its limestone, if not, then its sandstone
In other words, a map projection systematically renders a 3D ellipsoid (or spheroid) of Earth to a 2D map surface. ... Because you can't display 3D surfaces perfectly in two dimensions, distortions always occur. For example, map projections distort distance, direction, scale, and area.
In cartography, a map projection is a way to flatten a globe's surface into a plane in order to make a map. This requires a systematic transformation of the latitudes and longitudes of locations from the surface of the globe into locations on a plane.
Top 10 World Map Projections
-Mercator. This projection was developed by Gerardus Mercator back in 1569 for navigational purposes. ...
-Robinson. This map is known as a 'compromise', it shows neither the shape or land mass of -countries correct. ...
-Dymaxion Map. ...
-Gall-Peters. ...
-Sinu-Mollweide. ...
-Goode's Homolosine. ...
-AuthaGraph. ...
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it is said that the Ice Ages began 2.4 million years ago and ended approximately 11,500 years ago.
During this time Carbon-Dioxide (a poisonous and warming gas) levels rose dramatically by about 180 ppm to 280 ppm.
This caused the major retreat of glaciers that ran across continents...
There were other gases but they were in VERY small amounts...
A second cholera pandemic reached Russia (see Cholera Riots), Hungary (about 100,000 deaths) and Germany in 1831; it killed 130,000 people in Egypt that year.[12] In 1832 it reached London and the United Kingdom (where more than 55,000 people died)[13] and Paris. In London, the disease claimed 6,536 victims and came to be known as "King Cholera"; in Paris, 20,000 died (of a population of 650,000), and total deaths in France amounted to 100,000.[14] In 1833, a cholera epidemic killed many Pomo people which were a Native American tribe. The epidemic reached Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia[15] and New York in the same year, and the Pacific coast of North America by 1834. In the center of the country[clarification needed], it spread through the cities linked by the rivers and steamboat traffic.