If you are asking what you would write, here's what I would write
Dear (Friend's Name), today has been an interesting day. Have you ever tried talking to your animals, because I just saved a puppy and it started talking to me. I am not kidding, he said his name is Derick the Third, and he is a nigerian prince. If you want to come check him out, try and come by.
- Sincerely (Your name)
They love each other but their parents have always hated each other.
n Oración de otoño. Abba, padre, los árboles están en llamas con tu gloria. Las estaciones cambian, pero nunca lo haces. ...
Cuando debo irme. Cuando tenga que irme, querido Dios, déjalo así. Un dorado día de otoño; cuando caen las hojas rojas, ...
Rayos celestiales. A medida que el verano se convierte en otoño, * ...
Vemos la mano del Creador. En la decoloración del sol de verano,
In The Metamorphosis, Kafka shows us how genres can overlap, making fiction seem like a more psychological form <span>of writing than it might otherwise be. While the story is realistic, in its character depictions, it’s based on the surrealistic event of a man changing into an insect. Gregor’s transformation into an insect is also allegorical since it serves to symbolize the larger themes of the story, such as isolation and alienation.
I think it's right order of answers</span>
What the story or person is mainly talking about.