Political science.
The study of history is closely related to the study of political science. This is so because history, which is nothing other than the study of past events and their consequences, is primarily made up of political decisions that have a direct impact on the development of events in a particular social group or nation.
Thus, the decisions of a certain politician can give rise to wars, whose development and consequences are subsequently analyzed by history. In this way, the analysis in the light of political science of past events allows us to better understand history and relate it directly to events in the present.
To decide whether to secede from the United States
The leaders of the South Carolina Ordinance of Secession of 1860 convention meet "to decide whether to secede from the United States."
This is evident in the fact that few days after the election of Abraham Lincoln, the South Carolina legislature called a convention that took place in Charleston, and eventually, on December 20, 1860, the convention agreed without opposition to secede from the United States.
griculture and trade dominated Roman economic fortunes, only supplemented by small scale industrial production.
Talmadge began his career as a staunch segregationist and was known for his opposition to civil rights, ordering schools to be closed rather than desegregated.