Bud is his name because his mother gave him the name "Bud" not "buddy". Bud wants to be called what his mama named him which is "Bud"
Compare: Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
Contrast: Compare in such a way as to emphasize differences.
Therefore, to contrast is to compare. They mean the same thing. So, just write the differences and similarities between the two texts and you should be fine. It doesn;t matter what subject or topic it is, just stick to the guidelines..
Please file this under 'History' or 'Geography'.
It depends on one's perspective. A political leader from Pakistan may see it as the most triumphant. A homeless woman there may see that Pakistan failed her. An outsider may see it as less-than. It all depends.
Considering it is a Middle Eastern country with likely a lot of oil, it's already pretty powerful.
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By mining it would have to cause a avalanche
Answer :
Slave women were expected to work in the fields with the men, not take care of the home life.
They were apportioned almost the same task given to men, not considering their gender. In Africa, woman's primary social role was that of being a mother (tending the kids and making meals in the home). In slavery, this aspect of African womanhood was debased. They were however treated a bit softly whenever they are pregnant, or have just given birth.