Answer: Italy; raised in Geneva, Switzerland; and then goes to Ingolstadt, Germany, for his studies - and that's where he creates the monster.
From your choices, the answer to your question that is Which person was NOT on the pilgrimage in the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales? Is the Reeve. The second option is the best and most correct answer to your question because the other options were on the pilgrimage in the story.
The answer is
D. the topic of both poems is a battle.
3. The Crimean War.
The Charge of the Light Brigade was a failed military action involving the British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War.
Nobody is discriminated against in terms of the law, and no choices will be made based off of one's individual difference.