Refraction- bending of light waves (ex. straw in a cup of water looks bent on a side but really is NOT, this is due to refraction, it bends the light waves reflected)
Luminescence- Creation/Emission/Starting or making of light through ways that DO NOT INVOLVE heat.
Ultraviolet- a wavelength that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum its shorter than visible light waves.
The correct answer is: exonuclease activity.
DNA Polymerase is an enzyme of critical importance for the replication of the DNA. DNA needs to be replicated so, when entering Mitosis, each daughter cell can have a copy of the genetic material they need.
DNA Polymerase has an exonuclease activity in which mismatched nucleotides are removed from the newly replicated DNA strand in order to prevent mutations that can lead to malfunctioning or harmful proteins.
Preserves animal tracks are called trace.
By manipulating the substrates of the reaction, the enzyme can lower the necessary energy needed to make the reaction occur.