The Warren Court typically made decisions that bolstered the privileges of needy individuals, minorities, or other burdened gatherings. Both Kennedy and Johnson attempted to enhance life in the United States by diminishing neediness and advancing sexual orientation and racial correspondence. The Warren Court bolstered and mirrored these strategies by including similar gatherings, settling on the court choices and the social arrangements cooperate.
War with Mexico and the alamo and it also sparked the transcendentalist era, and plus it was one of the earliest examples of civil disobedience by henry David Thoreau
The Jews claim that the land dates back to 3,000 years when Jewish kings ruled the regions from Jerusalem. To Palestinians, the land had belonged to them since most, but not all, Jews were driven out around A.D. 135. Islam spread in the 7th century and quickly became the dominant region.
I very important place would be places like the Aztec ruins, or Anasazi ruins because it has a lot of history, and many Native Americans call the Anasazi their decedents.