fruit weight
In an experiment, the dependent variable is the variable that responds to the changes made to the independent variable. In other words, the dependent variable, as the name implies, is DEPENDENT on another variable called independent variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is measured or recorded by the experimenter during the experiment.
In this case where a student is studying the effect of fertilizer on fruit growth. He uses 6 tomato plants, which were given different concentrations of fertilizer (independent variable). After the experiment, the weight of the tomato fruit were measured. This means that the FRUIT WEIGHT is the dependent or responding variable.
Carbon dioxide from the air is used to produce food for plant growth. Carbon moves from plants to animals when animals eat the plants. Also, Carbon moves from living things to the atmosphere. Each time you exhale, you are releasing carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into the atmosphere.
The burning of fossil fuels also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The oceans are present on the 70 percent of the world but only 5 percent of the total oceans are explored yet.
There are many reasons of this problem but the most important is the hydrostatic pressure.
Hydrostatic pressure can be described as the pressure or weight exerted by the water on the object.
With every increase in 10 meters the pressure increase by 6.47kg (14.27lbs) each square inch of surface.
Due to extreme pressure, oxygen level in the cells of body fluctuates and person becomes unstable and can become unconscious.
Diamond is a solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structuctre. It is formed in the mantle and delivered to the surface by deep source volcanic eruption.
it have exquisite beauty, inner fire, and unique physical quantity have made them so precious.
Jellyfish start off their life in the polyp stage. The stage we are used to seeing (e.g. the jellyfish looking stage) is called the medusa stage.
Look at this image and see how a jellyfish actually starts out as not free-swimming.