The main difference between the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire concerned the official religions they practiced. Whereas the Roman Empire was officially pagan up for most of its existence, the Byzantine Empire was Christian. The Byzantine Empire was the significant remnant of the Roman Empire that survived in southeastern Europe for a thousand years after the official fall of Rome in 476 CE. As noted, a key difference with Rome was that the Byzantine Empire was always Christian rather than pagan. This hardwired into Byzantium a lack of cultural openness to the kind of religious diversity that had helped classical Rome to expand and thrive.
Another important difference was the relative weakness of Byzantium vis-à-vis the Roman Republic's power in its heyday. While powerful in some ways, Byzantium did not function as a hegemonic cultural, political, and military superpower in the same way as did the classical Roman Empire. This had the downside of leaving western Europe vulnerable to attacks, particularly from Viking marauders, that would not have occurred under the Roman Empire, but this also created an upside in which the western Europeans were forced to create their own vibrant and flexible cultural, political, and military institutions and infrastructures in order to survive.
Byzantium remained crucially important, however, because it controlled Constantinople, the gateway to the Mediterranean as well the gateway to overland passages to Asia. This was a source of access to vital trade routes with the East that this remnant of the Roman empire safeguarded for western Europe. Unfortunately, however, unlike Rome in its heyday, Byzantium ultimately lacked military might to keep this territory from Muslim conquest.
The thirty-year war was the main consequence of the religious upheaval seen among 1450-1750.
The war of three years was established thanks to the religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Rome. This conflict that started being regional, gradually involved different European countries, reaching the point of involving the whole of Europe. The war lasted for years and in addition it ceased to have a religious nature to have a political nature, through the involvement of governments and the stabilization of alienations and persecutions, causing a great political polarization.
The war ended only after the Munster treaty, a peace treaty.
In some instances, encouraging multicuturalism is an appropiate measurement to adopt in some nations, in some others it is not.
Multiculturalism is expected to help develop national bonds as well as common goals.
However, multiculturalism is usually about inmigrants who strive to impose their ways upon their new neighbors. Division is created when any specific group refuses to integrate by not speaking the commonly accepted language or becoming part of the general culture, for example when inmigrants not only refuse to accept the same religion and holidays but they demand their own to be recognized.
Such is the situation in modern Egypt, where multiculturalism has brought conflict between Copts (Christian) and Muslim Egyptians.
Conflicts between these two factions have even escalated to violence in the last 30 years due to these reasons.
Both became militaristic and started expanding their empires. However, Japan never developed a totalitarian