The correct answer is atomic bombs.
The banking system is crucial for the functioning of the US economy because they make loans and create credit. Without loans many people wouldn't be able to buy a house or a car, and the economy would collapse. Government regulates the banks to make sure they are being fair to their clients.
Vasco da Gama. Vasco da Gama was the first European to open a sea-based trade route to India. In an epic voyage, he sailed around Africa's Cape of Good Hope and succeeded in breaking the monopoly of Arab and Venetian spice traders.
Increase in consumer spending.
The adults in the '50s had grown up in conditions of economic deprivation, due to the general poverty of the Great Depression and then due to the rationing of consumer goods during World War 2.
True, for example, the United States has many government agencies that oversee sectors of the economy ie. the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).