European nations began repaying their debts to the U.S. High tariffs discouraged international trade. Lowered income taxes spurred consumer spending.
It was sort of mixed for each allied power. The US president (Wilson) of the time introduced and proposed they use the new 14 points, and that didn't say punish Germany for their war crimes. Winston Churchill, however, felt the need to punish Germany. Either way, they went with push the 14 points though, and they did. And many countries signed those points but the US. They still managed to punish Germany through those points. The answer is B.
The great compromise was the compromise for a two house legislature. One based off of population and one just because you were a state you get the same amount of votes as every other state. Not sure if this shows who gave up what, but the large states got a population based legislature and the small states got one not based off of population. They both got an equal say in government.
Spartan society operated on a system of mass enslavement. The peoples of Messenia were enslaved as helots, and worked Spartan land so the citizens spartiates could , in accordance with the rules of the mythical Lycurgus , be fulltime professional soldiers. As this went on, a series of revolts made the Spartans relise that to keep the helots pacified , Sparta would need to continue its tradition of training all young men to the point of military excellence